Green Division: our division dedicated to sustainability


Green Division: sustainability is a matter of responsibility

We firmly believe that every individual and every company has a civic responsibility of their own.

That’s why we created the Green Division, in 2020. This department is responsible for the interdisciplinary dissemination of the concept of sustainability in every aspect of our work, respecting the trust that each person places in Banca del Sempione on a daily basis.

Reducing environmental impact

  • We limit our environmental impact by investing in renewable energy and efficient workspaces.
  • We encourage our employees to favor public transport and to purchase electric or hybrid vehicles, via financial incentives.
  • We collect the PET produced in-house and certify its recycling.

Promoting sustainable finance

  • We set up a committee dedicated to the supervision and development of the Bank’s ESG agenda.
  • We consider transparency as a cornerstone of sustainability, which is why we rely on data from MSCI ESG Manager, a leading ESG data provider.
  • We have adopted an exclusion and a best-in-class policy for the management of our Base Investment SICAV funds, in the portfolios we manage, and in the definition of the investable universe available to our Advisory clients.

Maintaining health and safety in the workplace

  • We guarantee access to green spaces, such as our “edible” garden, and provide fresh fruit to all employees for free two days a week.
  • We ensure the flexibility required in the management of personal and professional responsibilities, including the option of smart working.
  • We offer our employees access to corporate benefits platforms and financial incentives for green mobility.

Respecting the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion

  • We adopt merit-based recruitment and promotion policies, through in-depth entry processes and personal development policies based on the achievement of shared goals.
  • We regularly obtain Fair-on-Pay certification, acknowledging us as a fair employer in terms of equal pay.
  • We make sure that the language used in internal and external communications is inclusive and respectful of everyone and their preferences.

Be close to the community

We create impact via targeted projects, in response to specific needs in the local area:

  • We sponsor young sports talents who embody sound principles and shared values.
  • We support community projects.
  • We donate part of the revenues from the management of Private Green Solutions to associations working in Switzerland to generate a tangible and measurable positive impact.


Green Private Solution: Positive Impact Finance

We purchase electric cars, we install solar panels, we recycle waste, but what do we do with our savings? Even when we make financial investments, it is important to maintain consistency in our choices, to ensure their proper management.

In this regard, we developed the Green Private Solution: an Advisory service for which we offer tailor-made advice with strong attention to sustainable investments.

However, we go beyond a simple “Green” account. Every year, the Bank donates part of the income from all Green Private Solution to charities active in the local area. Last but not least, the Green Private Solution customers themselves choose the associations to which the income should be donated. Find out more about the associations we help by following our LinkedIn and Instagram pages.

Join us in making a positive impact on society, even by managing your assets.

For further information on sustainability in the financial and real estate sectors, please refer to the following documents created in collaboration with Associazione Bancaria Ticinese (ABT):

Want to make a positive impact on society via conscientious management of your savings?


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