Base Investments SICAV: by your side, investing like a professional

Maximum diversification of investment instruments and optimized management, resilience and determination in investment choices.


Access a wide range of investment funds

Founded in Luxembourg in 2001, the Base Investments investment company with variable capital offers you a broad diversity of investment instruments and high-quality management.

There are three main investment asset classes – equities, bonds and money market – with an operating scope that ranges from advanced financial markets (such as Europe and the United States) to emerging and frontier markets.

The goal of each fund is to preserve invested capital and increase assets, by applying diversified management strategies based on risk profile and investment period.

With Base Investments SICAV, you can choose a range of instruments that can adapt to different market conditions. Our main objective: to always be by your side, growing together.

Base Investments SICAV

4, rue Robert Stumper
L – 2557 Luxembourg

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